The Closing Date Of The Tender For The Achievement Of A Feasibility Study For The AGRI Project Has Been Extended
12 January, 2012
AGRI LNG PROJECT COMPANY S.R.L. Extended The Closing Date Of The Tender Announced In December 2011, For The Achievement Of A Feasibility Study For The AGRI Project.
The General Meeting of the Shareholders decided to extend the closing date until 31 January 2012 from the original date of 19 January 2012. All other provisions of the tender remain valid. Consequently, Individual presentations will be held on February 16, and the agreement will be concluded on March 14, 2012.
The General Meeting of the Shareholders decided to extend the closing date until 31 January 2012 from the original date of 19 January 2012. All other provisions of the tender remain valid. Consequently, Individual presentations will be held on February 16, and the agreement will be concluded on March 14, 2012.