JSC Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation
JSC Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation (GOGC) is a diversified company with business activities in various segments of energy. It has the status of the National Oil Company and protects state interests in the Production Sharing Agreements signed with investors.
GOGC as the owner of the main gas pipeline system of Georgia plays a major role in ensuring the energy security of the state. It contributes to unimpeded operation of transboundary oil and gas transportation systems on the territory of Georgia which significantly increases the security of the country’s, EU and international energy markets through their diversification, manages the transit revenues. Owing to the strategic location of the country, GOGC supports development of new transit routes for full use of the energy potential of the Caspian and the Black Sea basins and further integration of Georgia into regional/global economic and political structures. GOGC diversifies its business activities, focuses on competitive power under the unified liberalized market conditions, introduces modern management skills and QC/QA measures.
GOGC is actively engaged in international projects and business relations, it plays the decisive role in implementation of the governmental economic policy of integration into Euro-Atlantic structures. Its strategic and major business partners include: SOCAR, Shah-Deniz Consortium, BP, BOTAS, ROMGAZ, MVM, PERN, UkrTransnafta, ArmGazprom, GAZPROM, TCC, GEOSTOCK, RAMBOLL, USAID, MCC, KfW, ADB, EBRD, SINOSURE etc. Securities (bonds) of GOGC are placed and succesfully traded at London Stock Exchange.
GOGC is an entrepreneurial subject with two-tier management system and is managed and directly governed by the Board of Directors led by the General Director. Simultaneously, GOGC has a Supervisory Board made of 3 members. The highest management body of GOGC is the Meeting of Shareholders.
GOGC as the owner of the main gas pipeline system of Georgia plays a major role in ensuring the energy security of the state. It contributes to unimpeded operation of transboundary oil and gas transportation systems on the territory of Georgia which significantly increases the security of the country’s, EU and international energy markets through their diversification, manages the transit revenues. Owing to the strategic location of the country, GOGC supports development of new transit routes for full use of the energy potential of the Caspian and the Black Sea basins and further integration of Georgia into regional/global economic and political structures. GOGC diversifies its business activities, focuses on competitive power under the unified liberalized market conditions, introduces modern management skills and QC/QA measures.
GOGC is actively engaged in international projects and business relations, it plays the decisive role in implementation of the governmental economic policy of integration into Euro-Atlantic structures. Its strategic and major business partners include: SOCAR, Shah-Deniz Consortium, BP, BOTAS, ROMGAZ, MVM, PERN, UkrTransnafta, ArmGazprom, GAZPROM, TCC, GEOSTOCK, RAMBOLL, USAID, MCC, KfW, ADB, EBRD, SINOSURE etc. Securities (bonds) of GOGC are placed and succesfully traded at London Stock Exchange.
GOGC is an entrepreneurial subject with two-tier management system and is managed and directly governed by the Board of Directors led by the General Director. Simultaneously, GOGC has a Supervisory Board made of 3 members. The highest management body of GOGC is the Meeting of Shareholders.